Blog directory Akshaya Patra Baran Children Images | Akshaya Patra Foundation

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Akshaya Patra Baran Children Images

Women employed to prepare rotis for hungry children

Women employed prepare rotis for Underprivileged children
Akshaya Patra proving meals in Rastriya Pradhamika Vidyalaya (Government School)
Children eating Akshaya Patra Roties
Women employed in Akshaya Patra Kitchen
Women employed to Prepare Akshaya Patra Meal
Women preparing Akshaya Patra Meal for Poor Children
Employed Women preparing Roties for Hungry children to help education
Employed Women Preparing Rotis at Akshaya Patra Kitchen
Akshaya Patra Kitchen in Baran
Akshaya Patra Nutrition Food for Children
Volunteers are preparing food for children
Akshaya Patra meal helping all over Indian people
Nutrition food items of hungry children
Volunteers eating with underprivileged children
Children playing after eat Akshaya Patra Meal
Children eating Akshaya Patra Meal
Employed women preparing meal for poor children
 Deprived child eating Akshaya Patra Meal
Eager child eating Akshaya Patra Meal
Eagerly children eating Akshaya Patra Meal
Children are Praying Before eating Akshaya Patra Meal
Young hungry children in school eating Akshaya Patra Meal
Young hungry children in school eating Akshaya Patra Lunch
Young hungry children in school eating happily Akshaya Patra Lunch
Children eating Akshaya Patra Lunch
                                        Hungry children in schools waiting for Akshaya Patra lunch
                          Children in school enjoying a hearty midday meal provided by Akshaya Patra
Children playing after had Mid Day meal of Akshaya Patra
Hungry Children waiting for Akshaya Patra Meal
                                                 Underprivileged children India waiting  for Akshaya Patra Meal


Back to School Campaign

Back to School Campaign
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Akshaya Patra Annual Report 2015-16

I Share My Lunch

I'm Javeriya - An Aspiring footballer

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