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Preparing yourself for Pre School

We’re entering May, and before you know it, schools will be opening their doors once again to welcome children back at the start of a new academic year. For many parents sending their children to school for the first time, this can be a heart-breaking, nerve-wracking experience. Though it may be tough to reconcile yourself with the idea that your little baby is leaving the fold to join the real world, there are some huge advantages to sending your child into a regular school setting as soon as they are ready.

• Better socialisation

Though children start their socialization process at home, school gives them an opportunity to learn to interact with other children of their age, as well as teachers and adults that they are not very familiar with. They learn to navigate their way through different social situations and choose who they like as their friends and who they prefer to avoid, a social skill they will use through the rest of their lives.

• Better motor functioning

At school children move beyond single to double player games and learn to take part in team sports and games. They are also exposed to a range of activities like bicycle riding and puzzle making which teaches children a much higher level of hand-to-eye coordination.

• Learning to share

Most children when they first join school are already familiar with the concept of sharing, but usually only with a close family member. At school, children learn to help each other and share their belongings on a regular basis.

• Jump start on education 

Many preschools introduce toddlers to basic reading, math and problem solving skills to give them a head start on what they will learn in primary school.  This exercise is mostly meant to ease the transition process for children as their school load increases between pre and primary school.

• Learning to listen better

Children need to learn to absorb information regardless of the distractions around them. In school amidst a multitude of other stimuli like bells ringing, children crying and tantrums unfolding, young toddlers learn to ignore the noise and focus on the message.

Sending your toddler off to school marks a momentous turning point in his or her young life. Choosing the right school is something that parents need to devote enough time and attention to. Aside from touring the premises, looking at the facilities and meeting the teachers, it is also a good idea to sit in on some of the classes for a few days to take an informed decision on whether this is the school for your child.

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