NGOs like The Akshaya Patra Foundation have learnt to effectively harness the power of social media marketing to gain visibility, support and involvement from the public. Across platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google Plus, LinkedIn and Pinterest, The Akshaya Patra Foundation has engaged, promoted, discussed and shared to get the news of their work out there to the public. And these innovative efforts have yielded fruit.
Today Akshaya Patra has 55,384 likes on Facebook, 2343 followers on Twitter, 900 connections on LinkedIn, 93 followers on Pinterest, 404 followers on Google Plus, along with 277 subscribers and 118508 views on YouTube.
The trick behind having an effective social media campaign is to keep it engaging and to keep it coming. At The Akshaya Patra Foundation, Facebook posts are uploaded every day, up to 60 tweets a month are shared, LinkedIn updates are posted five days a week and Google Plus posts, six days a week. The social media updates range from posters, nutrition posts, videos, polls, and posts imparting knowledge on Akshaya Patra and its processes.
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