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The Joy of Giving

The Akshaya Patra Organisation is wholly dependent on the good will of its benefactors. This good will comes in the form of volunteering, publicity and most importantly, financial aid. Akshaya Patra needs access to a great deal of funding to bring to life its long term, large scale mission of taking the mid-day meal scheme to 5 million government school children across India every day, by 2020.

All the donations we have received, both large and small, have paved the way to helping us come closer to realizing this dream. Today, The Akshaya Patra Organisation feeds over 1.3 million children across India daily.

Aside from the government’s support through grants and subsidies, we also receive support from corporates through their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) plans. Just recently we were thrilled to be the recipients of a generous 55 crore grant from the Jamsetji Tata Trust, which will be utilized judiciously over the next five years. 

This money will be used to improve and optimize on the various resources of the foundation, provide constant backing and up gradation of the existing kitchens, acquire logistic equipment like transportation, reduce cooking to consumption time, mount ‘green initiatives’, enhance safety measures and streamline processes.

We have also received generous donations in the form of meal distribution vehicles from benefactors like Corporation Bank, Union Bank and SBI Mutual Fund. These donations have helped Akshaya Patra sustain its operations efficiently and diligently.

At The Akshaya Patra Organisation we have strived to spread the message of the mutually beneficial relationship that we can share with our donors through the tax exemption opportunities that can be availed of. We are grateful and glad that word of our cause has reached out and touched a chord with not just individual donors but with the management teams of large corporations as well. After all, it is only with the aid of the strong that can we uplift the weak.

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